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Auto statistics

Car statistics - a unique database of sold cars for more than three years

The database contains data on more than 20.000.000 sold cars

Statistics allows you to search cars by model, exact search trucks and special equipment, search 2wd/4wd

You can view a demo version in following address:

User name: demo, password: guest

The system has many unique features, among which are the main:

Personal office
The system for managing the users, services and other resources
Basic design configuration
The upper and lower blocks, logo, stylized color
Statistical data
Data collection period - more than 3 years, more than 20.000.000 cars in the database
Advanced Search Form
Several forms of search, for beginners and professionals. Search for special equipment, trucks, cars left hand drive, etc.
Extract statistics data from the database by SQL format
Ability to extract all the statistical data from the database in SQL format on request
Providing data in XML format
Providing auctions data in XML format

Order service:

Skype: ivan.borovkov

Phone: +7 914 790 8860 (Ivan Borovkov)