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Average price and summary statistics

Summary statistics on foreign cars and cars manufactured in Japan

Contains data on more than 20.000.000 of cars sold in the last three years

To improve the reliability of the calculation of summary data on statistics, calculation produced by the sold cars in the last 6 months

Calculation the average price is the best amount for optimum buying a car, and takes info about the unique body type, modification, mileage and score of vehicle

Summary statistics table contains the distribution of prices, charts the changes in prices, as well as the probability of buying interest for selected bids

You can view a demo version in following address:

Interface has many unique features, among which are the main:
Determination of the average price
Determination of the average purchase price of the car with an accuracy of up to 90%
Table of prices distribution
The table can be used for the final decision in setting rates
Charts of price changes
Graphically assess trends in prices
Providing data in XML format
Providing interface data in XML format
Online interface
Online interface with custom web design

Order service:

Skype: ivan.borovkov

Phone: +7 914 790 8860 (Ivan Borovkov)