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Truck catalog

The most complete catalog of trucks from Japan, developed by our company

Catalog formed by processing and translations of the most complete and current versions catalogs of the manufacturers, used car magazines, electronic databases, etc

Car catalog allows you to quickly find and compare trucks on any number of parameters, view photos of cars.

The system has many unique features, among which are the main:
The base of trucks with images
The base of trucks with images
Compare list
Ability to compare selected vehicles specifications
Advanced Search Form
Several forms of search, for beginners and professionals. Search for special equipment, trucks, cars left hand drive, etc.
Database MYSQL + archive images for each of the cars
MYSQL database dump
Providing data in XML format
Providing catalog data in XML format
Online interface
Online interface with custom web design

Order service:

Skype: ivan.borovkov

Phone: +7 914 790 8860 (Ivan Borovkov)